Here at CSGV, we are frequently reminded by gun rights activists that they care about lives lost to gun violence, too. We have been blessed to receive regular communications from firearm enthusiasts who have serious, thoughtful ideas about how to create a more peaceful America. And with April 19 celebrations in full swing among those who understand that God granted them their Second Amendment rights, our mailbox was more full than ever!
We heard from those who were ready to help the survivors of Columbine by informing them that guns had nothing to do with the tragedy...
Subject: Gun violence
Date: April 21, 2010
I have heard Mr. Mauser's plea to join this organization because he lost his son in the Columbine tragedy on a radio spot. It is so frustrating that Mr. Mauser seems to still ignore two factors relating to Columbine. Yes the two killers had guns, however they had made home made bombs and placed them throughout the high school, which then completly neutralized the SWAT teams efforts for about 3 hours. This allowed the two killers time to go through Columbine grid by grid to find their victims. Secondly, there have been two school shootings in Colorado within the last couple years. In both cases there were no explosive devices, but mass amounts of ammo being carried by the shooters. In one case, a man tackled the shooter after two shots rang out and the event ended. In another case the shooter was cornered, and shot one victim after being cornered. Though both are tragedies, in one of those two cases there was no loss of life. The one factor that changed the outcomes, explosive devices !! That's it. So rather than continue your misguided assult on the 2nd Amendment, and filing frivolous lawsuits against gun makers, which I realize helps keep you damn lawyers rich beyond belief because you snatch 40% up front ! Do something worthwhile, and go after all the bomb making crap readily available via the internet. That is where the two Columbine killers exceeded all other school shooters. Shut down your anti-gun operation and go after the internet bomb making recipies readily available there !!
Dave Bishop
We heard from those who evoked the elocution of our Founders…
Subject: Horwitz: "Our founders got rid of violence with Constitution"
Date: April 19, 2010
[Coalition to Stop Gun Violence Executive Director] Josh Horwitz, you are a cock sucking, cunt. The founding fathers offered the constitution/bill of rights in exchange for our God given inalienable rights, to form a greater good. Anytime the government becomes "intolerable", we have a DUTY to ... History proves that the longer the train of intolerable abuse, the more difficult and violent the struggle. Stop sucking Pelosi/Napolitano cock and get off your knees. Millions of strong fighters have died for freedom and we are left with weak metro fucking pissasses like you...
Michael Mitchell
We heard from men of few words…
Subject: gaynes
Date: April 19, 2010
We heard from those with a beautiful vision for our country...From:
Subject: Thank God
Date: April 16, 2010
One other issue .................. thank God the founding fathers of this nation did not have to contend with the likes of you regarding our over throw of the repressive British regime. There does come a time when violence is the only answer. After all, how do you plan on ever disarming the millions of gun owners that will never allow ANY government, foreign or domestic, to take our firearms ......... period? When asking nicely doesn't work, then what? A citation? A lecture?
"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."
Steve Grant
Republic of Arizona
Subject: RE: Political Violence is Not an American Value
Date: March 31, 2010
Imagine a future free of criminals and war. Then imagine a future free from gun violence. You have one vivid, ridiculous imagination. Until you and your ilk provide all of us with 100% security from such threats (and I believe you will be totally unpersuasive with criminals and religious fanatics from overseas), I will preserve my own life, the lives of my loved ones, and any other innocent person—including you—from the evil in the world, and I will probably use a firearm to do it, violently.
Chan Bates
We heard from attorneys for the National Rifle Association who think that Google doesn’t exist...
Subject: Re: Let's Leave "The Wild West" in the Past
Date: March 25, 2010
I'm interested in making a donation to your organizationm though I do have a couple of preliminary questions. Do you think all of the states that have shall issue CCW policies have become the wild wild west? Do they have higher violent crime rates than states that hardly issue CCW permits? I'd be interested to hear your responses to these questions before I make any donations to your organization. Thank you!
Clint B. Monfort
We heard from lawnmower salesmen...
From: Bullseye5477
Subject: What loophole?
Date: February 14, 2010
What the fuck does a gun show have to do with anything. What's next? The guvment tellin' me I can't sell my lawnmower to someone because they might take it home and run over their kids foot?
We heard from Mondays with Mike fan Larry Mattera...
Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2009 8:02 AM
Subject: Re: Looking Forward to a New Year
You suck ass! I want all your funding to dry up for my Christmas present! I wont miss Mondays with fatass.
Larry Mattera
We heard from those who understand the public health threat presented by caffeine...
Subject: RE: Todays email Major Nidal Malik Hasan
Date: November 19, 2009
so allegedly Major Nidal Malik Hasan went crazy 10 years after the permit. he had traumatic violent experiences that alter his perception of reality. The concealed weapon permit had nothing to do with it whatsoever. You could claim he was the 5 person whote drank pepsi that commited a mass murder as well, it just wouldn't serve your limited political agenda.
Isaac Taylor
We heard from winners...
Re: New Blog on Protester with AR-15 Assault Rifle
Date: August 28, 2009
You are a loser.
Sincerely – Jeremy Parish
We heard from those who were eager to express condolences...
Subject: Re: CSGV Statement on the Passing of Senator Kennedy
Date: August 26, 2009
About damn time that old SOB kicked off, a great day for USA!!!
Terry Looft
We heard from those who are particularly concerned about the eight children and teens who die every day in the U.S. from gun violence...
Subject: Violent Hangun Deaths in Children
Date: August 13, 2009
Including suicides in the CSGV's blanket statement of 8 deaths a day is certainly misleading. Many youth bent on killing themselves will surely find another means to do so if a gun is not available. In fact, according to the wisqars report on the CDC site, almost 30% more youths who commit suicide use a means other than guns to do it (535 gun suicides versus 761 suicides that do not involve guns)
The reason I brought up gang violence in our conversation was that most hardcore juvenile gang-bangers have been involved in an extremely violent lifestyle for many of their formative years. Is this tragic? Certainly. But your site, as evidenced by the cutesy little crayon drawing of innocent little children, next to the erroneous statistic of 8 gun deaths a day, is obviously meant to bring out an emotional response in those who this portion of the site is meant for. It is not based on truth or reason. And reason indicates that even with more stringent gun laws, criminals will still get guns. Ergo, gang members will still kill each other.
Even if you think that it is valid to keep suicides and gang-related deaths in your total number, what you report and what the total numbers actually are "do not jive." The true number then would be 6.3 deaths a day, not 8.. This does not surprise me though. The vast majority of what passes for intellectual rigor among Liberals is based on emotive response, not logic and reason.
Tom Finnegan
Syracuse, NY 13204
And finally, we heard from someone who momentarily forgot about that peace thing...
Subject: gun violence
Date: August 2, 2009
love to see evening news reports , include the number of shootings that occur each and every day in the united states
Blog Description
Those who work and volunteer in the gun violence prevention movement—including victims and survivors of gun violence—are frequently targets of harassment, intimidation and even violent threats by those on the other side of the issue. Things Pro-Gun Activists Say takes this abuse—which too often occurs behind the scenes and without any type of consequences—and airs it publicly for all to see. Our hope is that this type of behavior will be deterred in the future. The content of this blog includes actual phone calls, emails and web comments from pro-gun activists and will be supported by screen caps, audio clips, and other evidence. [Please be warned that the content of this blog is frequently profane, violent and of a disturbing nature.]

Have you been harrassed by pro-gun activists? Email us at!
Gun Violence Prevention Blogs
- Josh Horwitz at Huffington Post
- Ladd Everitt at Waging Nonviolence
- Bullet Counter Points
- Ordinary People
- Mondays with Mike
- Brady Campaign Blogs
- Common Gunsense
- New Trajectory
- Josh Sugarmann at Huffington Post
- Kid Shootings
- A Law Abiding Citizen?
- Ohh Shoot
- Armed Road Rage
- Abusing the Privilege
- New England Coalition to Prevent Gun Violence Blog
- Ceasefire New Jersey Blog
- Considering Harm
April 26, 2010
CSGV Mailbag
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